Trying out canyoning for the first time in Switzerland.

Interlaken, Switzerland

is in Interlaken, Switzerland and wrote Can’t top this! – Well I defInitely saved the best for last. �Now, I am no stranger to things considered ‘extreme’ and have had adventures snowboarding, rock climbing, rock crawling, scuba diving, white water rafting, and even skydiving, but I’d have to say Canyoning in Chli Schiere takes the cake. �It was crazy and it was HARD. �4 hours of climbing, rappelling, sliding, swimming, and cliff jumping through a canyon and fast moving river Chli Schliere. �Did I mention hard? �Out of 18 adventurers, only 2 women. I was rubbery legged about 2/3 of the way through and Then to boot, I lost a boot about 3/4 way. That’s right. My scuba boot got sucked right off my foot after one jump. �Had to hike out barefoot. �But it didnt matter- had a great time. �Can’t imagine how to top this. �Hope to have pix and video to show soon.